As versatile as it is timeless, the Tempo  collection (from rhythm. and time) arises from the commitment to offer a careful design on the surfaces of spaces, with a discreet character and the ability to stand the test of time silently.

Constructed from a serrated bar extrusion of slender proportions, the design aims to highlight the value of a minimal gesture, of a shaded line, of a small quantity, of the beauty of what is essential.

An elementary, almost ancestral shape, whose sim­plicity allows its widespread use, adapting itself to different situations and enabling the integration of the other constructive elements that make up the spaces on its surface, resulting in a harmonious and unified overall design.


Our panels are supplied without their finishes, with the colour of their base and recycled parti­cles, making them very easy to assemble and putty.

The subsequent co!our application can be done simply by roller or spray to match the rest of the colours of the architectural space, creating endless colour and texture options.



Material: Sustainable polyurethane with shredded waste from waste plastic bottles (PET) + Gel Coat. 100% recyclable and 35% recycled.
  • Tempo 40: 880 mm x 2800 mm x 50 mm
  • Tempo 100: 900 mm x 2800 mm x 48mm
Weight: ±8KG/m2.
Usage: Indoor, suitable for ceilings, outdoor


Founded in 2018, Balzar Arquitectos is a family studio that unites two generations: José María García Zarco (1957), with more than 30 years of experience, and the architects Txema García Ballester (1984) and Laura Moreno Albuixech (1985).

His designs seek to resist the passage of time through compositions that are expressed in a simple and elegant way. The constant search for beauty is one of the fundamental themes of his work, to value people's lives and contribute to creating a better world.

His look is honest, familiar and responsible. Every project today is a legacy for tomorrow.